Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Local Cropping Conditions

Environmental conditions continue to be dominated by exceptionally dry conditions. A few scattered showers have at least given an indication that precipitation is possible but the current situation is dire. Wide spread soaking precipitation is critical to salvage any hope for a non-irrigated spring seeded crop.
Area wheat continues to struggle due to harsh environmental conditions. Many fields were hayed, cut for silage or green chopped; which was the original plan in some cases but a salvage harvest due to freeze damage in others. Rumors of planting seed shortages have already started, it may be wise to monitor the situation closely. 
Planting operations continue at full speed in spring seeded crops, but currently in most if not all cases only irrigated fields have sufficient moisture to establish a crop. Early planted corn is up and growing . A few cotton fields have emerged while others have yet to be planted.. Sorghum planting will ramp up shortly.

Due to exceptional drought local signage has changed from "water on road" to ...

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